Monday, March 20, 2006

Easier Than it Sounds

When I wrote this entry about Rosa Parks it was a day when i was theorizing about my life. Today is a day when i have to do it.

My supervisor is asking me to go visit a person who is against large families, believes in splitting siblings, and who does not like me or our agency. I have not yet met her, but she has stated again and again that she is not impressed with our agency.

So, it’s easy to talk about the importance of taking a stand, but when it comes right down to it and I have to do it, I dread it, I feel like I’m going to puke, and I wish with every ounce of my being that I could quit my job today before I have to have this meeting.

I much prefer “making a difference” in the manner in which I did on Saturday -- standing up in front of a large wonderful, supportive audience and inspiring them to keep on parenting their tough kids.

“Making a difference” by purposefully meeting with a hostile person one on one and taking the verbal abuse is not the manner in which I prefer. But I will do it and I will survive.

I am sure I will not have the impact, in this one short meeting, of a Rosa Parks, but if all of us will take on the tough stuff, one person at a time, over the long haul, the system WILL change.


  1. Here's praying you bring light into a darkened heart!

  2. Hugs that has to be hard. You reminded me again of my dream to adopt a waiting child ... so i checked the website again, bad idea, makes me very very sad.

    the house we are moving too, only has 3 technical bedrooms but room to make 5, even with 5 bedrooms and 2 kids per room we are full up yet that doesnt stop me from wanting to help more.
