Monday, March 27, 2006

Borrowing from Yesterday's Intervention from God

The ups and the downs are killer. As you could tell by my last post from the Wi-Fi Burger King, I was doing pretty well. I was feeling pretty good until I got a phone call from Bart while going to the bathroom at the Burger King that Mike had appeared on MSN. I figured that someone else was using his name and password, but thought I would call the facility where he was supposedly locked up and find out. Found out from them that he had been discharged this morning at 6:45 to go to foster care. By 11:30 he was online somewhere. By 11:45 he was sending emails to our children. We still have not heard from the county that he was moved.

This did not make me happy for so many reasons that to write them down would simply make me angrier and bore you.

So, I was dealing with the emotional aftermath of that situation and since my hands and feet were very cold (always happens when I get upset) I thought a nap would settle my nerves. So I tried to lie down and rest ... often if I can fall asleep when I wake up i don’t feel as ill and my hands and feet warm up.

But I couldn’t fall asleep. So I came downstairs and there was an email from our mortgage banker indicating that they still needed about 5 things before they could approve us to close tomorrow. It involved reaching 6 or 7 people in their offices and I had a window of opportunity of about 30 minutes to get it all done. Would you believe that I reached all of them? God proved in a big way that He is still watching out for us. I reached people in 2 state adoption offices, three employers, and the insurance company all within about 23 minutes. I caught EVERYONE and they were ALL very happy to get things done very quickly. It looks like we’re going to be able close tomorrow -- there is one more thing that needs to be done, but it’s being worked on.

Then I was running out the door for a postplacement visit when I got a very disturbing email about one of my families. I was trying to call the mortgage banker and my boss about the email while I was heading to my visit. As I walked up to the house, Dominyk’s PCA called to say that he had cut himself and needed to go to the ER. I called Bart on the cell (who was at the grocery store) who agreed to go to the ER, however, all of the phones in town were messed up and he couldn’t call the hospital.

After the visit I relieved Bart in the ER so that he could come home and make dinner. While sitting in the ER where the use of cell phones is strictly prohibited, I got a voice mail that one of the placements that was supposed to happen with an AAN family on Wednesday might not happen and a call from the mortgage banker, but I was trying to be good and didn’t answer them.

In the ER, the good Dr. C, our friend and the physician who was on call, asked me “was the item that he cut himself with clean?” I said, “Not if his other hand touched it (see picture above)

When I finally got home I realized that sometimes we have to hold on to yesterday’s words of assurance, because things can change VERY rapidly...

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