Tuesday, March 28, 2006

What's up with Blogger?

Spent a long time last night trying to upload the picture of Dominyk’s hands and I can’t do it today either.

Well, so far so good. We’re heading to Mankato to do a final walk through on the house, look at furniture, get our bank account set up, I am going to visit two of my families, and we are going to (hopefully) close on the house AND have dinner with kari and her husband Mike.

All but one of my kids is out the door and we had a melt down free morning, so that’s a good start to the day. I am going to try to lay aside much of my stress and just enjoy my day .... need to celebrate even though circumstances don’t warrant that.

By the way, we received a call from the Guardian Ad Litem that Dominyk’s birthgrandma left the message about. It has nothing to do with Dominyk OR his birth siblings so that is a HUGE relief. I also told the GAL to have Dominyk’s grandma call me again...

1 comment:

  1. Claudia,

    I'm praying for you and the family as this adjustment occurs. I love the positivity you throw out in your posts. Keep spilling your guts girl, we all care and hope for the best!
