Saturday, March 18, 2006

What a Day

We had a great day. The sessions we attended were good, but it was being with everyone that made it most awesome. We got to see Kari and her husband, Mike. We got to see Paula and her husband Paul. We got to see Meg, who has been my friend since before our homestudies were done and we were beginning this journey together. We got to see all of my former coworkers from Minnesota ASAP and we got to meet new people as well.

Bart’s session on the Spiritual Aspects of Adoptive Parenting was awesome, and my closing keynote to the whole crowd was, if I have to say so, pretty dang good. i consider my speaking good when I feel like I have truly connected with my audience, and today I did just that. 90% of them, at least, were with me through every chuckle, guffaw, and tear.

I mentioned this summer while attending NACAC about how great it is to be with other adoptive parents who get it and I must say it again.

On the way home I heard this song for the first time and it went well with my feelings after my day at the conference. I have found my way to change the world, and I’m going to do it... one step at a time, every day, for a long, long time.

Sometimes, I get that overwhelming feeling,
So sad the
Faces on TV,
If i try to make a difference would it help anyway,
Then i stop and to myself i say

So you wanna change the world,
What are you waiting for,
Say your gunna start right now,
What are you waiting for,
It only takes one voice,
So come on now and shout it out,
Give a little more,
What are you waiting for,

Sometimes, I feel a little helpless,
Seems like (well) I can't do a thing,
But anything is possible,
Just you want and see,
Good things happen,
If you Just believe,

[Chorus 1x]

Someday, somehow, I'm gunna take that step,
Cause time is tickin away,
Right here,
Right now,
Before it's to late,
Gunna face tomorrow today,
(Don't wait,
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)

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