Wednesday, April 05, 2006

The Day Planned to Suck

So, today is “the Day that Sucks.” Things will get progressively better as the things that suck get done one by one. The first will be the most sucky -- our meeting with the social worker about Mike. We’re going to find out what we have to do in order to keep them from terminating our rights. He cares nothing about us unless he is going to get something and he makes sure that he makes us miserable every time we talk, so contact with him is never pleasant. But it would serve no purpose for them to terminate our rights, and it would send an awful message both to him and to the other children. in addition, he will still come back to us when he is finally “on his own” whether they terminate our rights or not. He will always see us as his resource for getting him out of the jams he gets himself into whether we have “parental rights” or not.

Part of my problem during the CHIPS procedure with John is that I was very trusting and very honest. It served no purpose other than to give them more words to quote, manipulate, and twist. This time, we’re trying to state only the facts and not adding any emotion. This is VERY hard for me. I’ll be relieved when the meeting is over and even more relieved when the next 11 months and 2 days are over and he is 18. Having a situation where you have to let one kid go to protect the others is very difficult at best and he is thrilled because he has gotten exactly what he has been trying to get for two years.

After that meeting I will do several other sucky things that hopefully by noon will all be complete.

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