Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Stuck on Stupid - the Male Version

Tonight Jimmy had consequences of dish drying. He stood, holding the towel, for over 10 minutes, refusing to do a thing. Then he moved to the crying faze. Watching someone as tall and big as he is, who you know is 14 1/2 cry and slobber on him self is quite a site.

He stopped crying and slobbering during the picture though.

He recovered more quickly than usual tonight though, so I was glad to see a little progress.

Tomorrow is going to be “The Day that Sucks.” Since the day is beginning with a meeting about Mike, I am planning that it won’t go very well. Because of that, I have been saving all the things I don’t want to deal with and don’t want to do for “suck day.” My yucky work situation that I’ve been dealing with emotionally in a big way over the last week has to be dealt with. I have to write a report I don’t want to write and call several people I don’t want to call. For some sick reason it helps me emotionally to pile all the dreaded things on one day. That means that the other days this week can be relatively pleasant (in theory).

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