Sunday, April 16, 2006

More Pictures of the Weekend

This picture is exactly what things were like during several hours of the weekend. They were wild. Lots of people all over the place. I like this picture because it is full of people but not a single person in it is a member of the family (though Salinda’s best friend that came with us from Luverne is in the shot).

At one point in time on Friday we had the photographer, 5 members of a family, three members of a family of 8, three members of another family of 8, 11 members of a family of 21, and 5 members of our family of 10 all at the house at the same time -- along with the pizza delivery man and the woman from the TV station. It was bedlam.

Seven of the 10 pizzas were gone in less than 20 minutes...


  1. Is it me or did the photo not come through?

  2. No. Blogger won't let me upload pictures. Wouldn't last night.


  3. Finally let me get them on there!
