Sunday, April 16, 2006

Is it Every Day or just Holidays that Suck?

I have a theory. I am not sure if it is correct or not, but it’s a theory.

We have very few holidays or birthdays that aren’t awful. For some reason we have at least a person or two that ruins every single special occasion in our lives. And it isn’t always the same person. We have had a few pretty rocky hours today. Church was good, and everyone is calm now, but we had a few hours of nastiness between church and about 3:30.

I just called Kari and they aren’t having a good day either. Cindy is already blogging that they didn’t have Holiday Hell, but it’s only 5:38 her time and I’m with Vanessa, her daughter on this, that she might be blogging a little too soon.

But I have a theory. Maybe it isn’t Holiday Hell, maybe it’s just bad every day and we don’t realize it until it’s a holiday and we care if it is a good day or not. Other days are bad and we don’t notice because they are just days, but when holidays are bad we notice.

So, is it holidays that suck, or is it every day and we only notice on holidays?


  1. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Dear Miss Claudia,
    it is now 6:33, and things are still fine. Jesse just called mom from Virginia, and still no one has had a cow. Want me to ruin the day? or ruin your theory? luv Vanessa AKA Viper Girl!

  2. Our holiday sucked greatly this year, though it was for substantially different reasons. Hopefully, next year will be better for both of us!

  3. Oh man, too late, Vanessa just beat up Gito and Joey...

  4. Anonymous7:57 PM

    I think it's the hope that we might have a "normal" holiday like any other family and then our kids are more hyped up than usual from the anticipation and excitement. And of course the lack of routine. I'm afraid this is our normal holiday. As long as I have the same number of kids in bed a the end of the day as we are suppose to have then I consider it a successful day!

  5. Personally, I think it's normal days and because it's a holiday and we have certain expectations that we notice the behavior more. I've been monitoring that for the past year on my own just to see what's what and that's what I've observed so far ....
