Sunday, April 16, 2006

The Only Proof

I had 9 kids who looked anywhere from good to perfect this morning. When we walked into first service the 5 youngest boys had ties on, the youngest three in suits. The girls had on new dresses and looked gorgeous. By the end of church, ties and jackets were flung who knows where and I missed my chance to get pictures. Five minutes after we got home the dresses were off. Now I have only two pictures that prove there was even decent Easter clothes in our family -- the ones we took before church.

My husband looked hot in his special Easter chasible (is it OK to say someone looks hot in clery attire?) and sounded so good when he sang the liturgy that it reminded me again of why and how much I love him.

And all of the kids, John included, were appropriate all of first service and most of second. John was the polar opposite of last week where he refused to stand when he was supposed to and tried to sleep. It was like having a different kid with me. He even sat by me and hugged me a few times. It's so nice when he is like this.

But most importantly, I experienced the spirit of the resurrection once again. My heart was once again filled, as it is every Easter morning, with profound and overwhelming joy, as we sang together loudly, "Christ the Lord is Risen Today, Alleluia."

He is Risen, folks.

He is Risen indeed!

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