Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Dunn Brothers Again

Sitting in Dunn Brothers after sleeping VERY well -- although I was a little nervous all alone in that big house. I had a home visit last night where even though the situation hasn't always been pleasant, the bottom line is still true. I KNEW these people had what it took to parent tough kids and they are doing an awesome job with them. So at least I can feel good about that piece of it.

I have been catching up on email and having a low fat muffin and water. In a half hour I am going back to the house to wait for the cable guy to come put in internet and cable and then I get to have lunch with Kari. (link over to side, too lazy to type it in). Then this afternoon our living room furniture is being delivered which is great.

I was quite nostalgic last night listening to worship music and started to get very sad about leaving our church. We have an awesome worship team -- great voices, awesome selection of music, they blend together wonderfully. I love singing with them, pretending to be as good as them.

I promised myself I wouldn't get attached to these people.... dang.

More later...

1 comment:

  1. I've heard AWESOME things about the music at BAUMC and I'm excited about that.

    It's really more about the people I will miss than the quality of the music. In fact, I'm sure that the people in our church now would agree that the music program as a whole at Belgrade will be better.

    And I know that there will be awesome people there as well.
