Tuesday, May 09, 2006

John's Day at Home

John has been mostly cooperative and I have been perfunctory and non-negotiable with my guidelines. It's working for today.

Tomorrow he will go to school and be gone from about 7 a.m. until around 5 p.m. attending the school that Mike did for a while -- and a place where John has been before. It's 45 minutes from here so he'll be in vehicles a lot over the next 3 weeks.

Today he tried to make cookies by reading and following the recipe. He told me he thought he must not have followed the recipe right. Ya Think?


  1. Hey, I made cookies that looked like that once. I had used tub butter instead of stick margine. My Grandma later told me that was why they went flat and runny. Just FYI. :)


  2. I'm not kidding, mine don't look much better than that!
