Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Only 5 minutes to Blog

Won’t have time to report much, but I am seriously wondering why I bother to blog when I’ve got myself in a dither like I did last night.Woke up this morning to a huge ordeal with Tony over signing a piece of paper he forgot to bring home regarding a special field trip for being in school patrol. When we finally got out the door and I gave him a ride to school, he skipped patrol to play on the playground while I wandered all over the school to find a person who had the form I needed to sign (his classroom teacher was out today). Took a half hour to do something that should have taken a minute for a kid who didn’t even do what he was supposed to do and spent his morning venting his rage at me.

Now we have a day with no school with John.

But reading Cindy's blog always reminds me of why they are the way they are -- even though most of the time I blame it on myself instead of remembering that I wasn’t the one who caused the most significant damage to these kids.

We’re off to therapy with John...

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