Saturday, July 22, 2006

Meltdown Vortex

There are several things that jack up the emotional atmosphere around here. The kids used to have full blown meltdowns when they were younger. Now they have meltdowns but they are different. They consist of verbal abuse, defiance, debating, much argumentation, discussion, and a long list of “failure to comply” violations.

Here are a few things that crank up the barometer:

A change in schedule;
A visit from my inlaws;
Kyle having an agenda that doesn’t jive with the family plans;
Preparing for a vacation.

All of these things came together into a whirling vortex today. Fortunately, and not-so-typically, I was fairly mellow through the whole thing. At one point, when Sadie was telling me I would have no contact with my grandchildren, no visits at Christmas and Thanksgiving, and that I would not be invited to her wedding I found the whole thing hilarious. I told Sadie to please try to come up with something mean to say that I had not heard. She couldn’t.

I finally asked her to sign a piece of paper saying “I, Sadie Fletcher, will not need financial assistance from either of my parents, Bart or Claudia Fletcher, to pay for my wedding as I do not plan to invite them.” She, to her credit, would not sign.

It’s been a long interesting day so far...

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