Saturday, July 22, 2006

One Day at a Time

We survived yesterday and today is here.

After endless annoying arguments and threats of disobedience, John actually did what was expected. He went to the park, but took a sibling with him. He stayed there the whole time. He did not go anywhere he wasn’t supposed to and they were home early. But the amount of effort it took to go through all of the defiance, anger, etc. from him for the half hour before is exhausting. I’m not going to let up though. EIther he does things the way his parents say he will or he does not do them.

After a great supper of homemade pizza we went to Ricardo’s playoff baseball game. They hadn’t won a single game all season, but it appeared they had a chance at winning last night all the way to the end, so it was fun to watch. Tony, JImmy, Bart, and his mom and sister all went to cheer him on. He didn’t do so well -- struck out to end the game, even, ( I hate it when I have a kid in that position -- 2 outs, last inning, my kid up to bat!). But we were there to cheer him on.

He has another game at 9 this morning and then an end of the season party. She said it was a family picnic, but when I told her there were 12 people, she thought maybe the whole family shouldn’t come.

So, today for me includes baseball, a picnic, and getting kids ready to be dispersed to their various places over the next two days, as well as packing myself and getting my presentation ready for the NACAC conference.

I used to go to these national conferences and dream of being a presenter -- earning the big bucks, I thought. Turns out the only perk is a waived registration fee -- all expenses are paid by the presenters. It’s still a great experience, but it sure isn’t a “get rich quick” scheme. But I wrote from there last year about NACAC and why I love it. I look forward to being there again.

But between now and then I have two baseball games, a picnic, a trip to the post office, a presentation to get ready, 5 kids to pack, a trip to Luverne to drop two off, prescriptions to fill, Sunday morning to get everyone ready for, church, a meet and greet, and packing myself -- not to mention anything I forgot -- all in 48 short hours.

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