Thursday, August 31, 2006


I can’t wait to see what appears in my google ads now that I’m going to blog about this, but oh well. It will give you interesting reading as you click your way to finding out about the nasal membrane irritating flaming hot cheetos. But more on that in a minute.

When I was in college one of my best friends was a pre-med student. Now he and his wife are both doctors. In fact, we saw them last summer and you can see their kids in this post. I used to ask him questions that I’d be too embarrassed to as a regular doctor back in the day. Once I asked him about why I had to urinate (OK, pee) so often. He said, well, you might have TTB. That didn’t sound good. He let me worry for a few minutes and then told me that TTB stands for Teeny Tiny Bladder.

Well, I am very annoyed with my TTB this morning. Last night at Kari’s I had to have a lot of pop because I had too much salty but very tasty pizza. And so last night I had to get up at 12:30, at 2, at 3:30, at 5:30, and again at 6:20. When I woke up at 6:20 Bart was already up ironing his clothes (yes, ladies (and gentlemen who want to be shamed) he does laundry and irons AND cooks). I talked to him a while and felt pretty good. But then I went back to sleep and at 7:30 I went to sleep and my TTB re-awakened me in a funky part of my sleep cycle. Now I have a headache, feel groggy, and can’t even make myself want to do a thing. If I had a BHB (Big Huge Bladder) I would probably either still be asleep, or have slept until I woke up at a better phase of REM. Don’t you hate it when that happens?

Now, on to the clicking. I’ve decided to set a goal for you. If you can click enough to hit $15 in one day (you were up to $10.49 yesterday) I’ll tell you the flaming hot cheeto nasal invasion story. I’m sure this isn’t quite what Google had in mind for this, but whatever it takes. Hope I’m not violating that user agreement thing that I clicked and said I read that I really didn’t read. Anyway, I digress. For those of you being dedicated to clicking away, you should know that you need to click only a time or two a day -- because multiple clicking from the same sight stops working after a while.

Now, one final thing. If you google from my blog and then click on what you see there, that works too. So now, everyone start googling from my page alone and you’ll hit that $15.00 today and as soon as you do, I will do my best to provide you with an excellent mental picture of what has now been come to know as “the cheeto episode.”


  1. I have seriously thought about asking my doc for the nasal spray they give to kids with enuresis! (I don't think it's ALL due to TTB; I think some of it's due to bladder over-activity or over-sensitivity)

    --- Another TTB woman :-)

  2. whenever im unsure of what an abbreviation youve written means i use google, today it came back to me with this link

    i choose to believe you were talking about your tacky tiara brigade ;)
