Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Nice to Get Away

Last night I drove up to Roseville (about 2 hours from here) for a meeting. It was a good meeting with a coworker. And on my way I exhausted myself.

Often when I drive my mind really goes crazy with ideas of things I want to do. Last night was no exception and this time I was really buzzing. I came up with an idea for two new blogs and I’m really excited to get them started. I know that I don’t have time for them, but I’ve decided to try going with one less hour of sleep a night (It’s not that big of a deal, I have been getting 8.5 or 9 and I’m wondering if I just try getting 7 or 7.5 how that might work ... and if I find myself getting crabbier, I’ll change my plan, so all you “mothering types” out there don’t need to lecture me about taking care of myself).

Anyway, the two blogs I have in mind are as follows:

1) The first is “Adoption Blog Central.” I want this to be a place where people can find links to many different adoption blogs. I also want it to be a place where people who have read good blog entries can email me so that I can tell other people about them. I would like it to be a collection, so to speak, of some of the best written blog entries about adoption as well as a place to link to many other great adoption blogs. So, if you have ideas, or want your blog included, email me or comment here. Right now it is plain and ugly, but as time goes on you’ll see improvements.

2) The second I am really excited about as well. The Adoption and Foster Care Think Tank. It is my goal to connect therapists, child protection workers, foster and adoptive parents, homestudy workers, speakers, specialists, etc. to discuss pertinent ideas and issues. I hope to gather enough people who are willing to respond to questions to include an “ask a professional” link and an “ask a parent link.” I would love to see all of the people I have met in this field from every arena getting together and connecting to discuss issues on how we can make things better for kids -- by changing the way we parent, by changing the system a little better, by changing the way we practice social work, etc.

I realize that this will be a work in progress and that it will probably take months to coordinate, but I’m excited to get both of them started.

And you are a big piece of this. If you want to be a part of my parent “Panel” that answers questions on the think tank, or if you want to be part of Adoption Blog Central, please let me know. I’ll be gone from 9:30 to 5 today doing a home visit and taking Salinda to the orthodontist, but I hope to work on these tonight when I return.

I’m very excited, can you tell. . . so excited that I’m wearing myself out.

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