Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Pass the Torch

Apparently today is Pass the Torch Tuesday ... Check out the originator here.

I think it’s a great idea to share something good that kids are doing.

I wanted a recent story, though you can check out Rand's excellent choice that I posted a few days ago too.

Last night Dominyk came home from visiting his birth grandmother. He and Tony have been siblings longer than anyone else in our family. Tony moved in with us nearly 10 years ago when he was 19 months old and Dominyk moved in 3 months later. People would ask us if they were twins and we’d reply, “Well, they’re 14 months apart and have completely different birth parents, so I don’t think so.”

But it was fun having two babies... back then it was just the four of us. Nobody could tell we were adoptive parents, we weren’t viewed as weird. It was a much different life than the one we have right now. Not better, but just different.

Anyway, last night Dominyk came home with new toys, gifts from his birth grandma. When they all got home from Bible School, Tony joined Dominyk on the living room floor and they played nicely together. Even Sadie commented, as she saw me watching them play, “It’s just like when they were little, huh, Mom?”

And it was. It was fun to see these little boys in bigger bodies, crawling around on the floor with matchbox cars and for a few minutes I just sat in wonderment at the gift we’d been given so many years ago.

And now it’s your turn to Pass on the Torch.

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