Friday, August 18, 2006

One More Thought and Then I'll Let it Go

I did a little research and the commenter on my blog is the same person that caused me several months ago to moderate all comments and to not allow anonymous comments. Now that person has gotten a blogger ID, but still remains anonymous and I can’t communicate directly with them.

Apparently my personality and writing style really rubs this person the wrong way. So why would they continue to read my blog?


  1. Claudia,

    I thought your roller coaster analogy was fantastic. That's precisely how I feel and unfortunately right now we are definitely in a downhill surge. I have one adopted FASD child and I can't imagine the trauma and heartache you go through on a dily basis.

    I too enjoy reading your blog but I don't see you as being a "martyr" I see you as a mother who neesd to vent and dump all that garbage so that you can then parent in the best way possible. I appreciate your honesty and openess. I feel your pain and your joy in your writing. Please keep it coming . . . you are appreciated.

    By the way I borrowed your analogy on my post today! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Claudia, you know what? It's your blog, and your opinions, and you should be able to say what you want how you want. I know you have to be careful in what you say b/c of the circumstances, but still, it's YOUR blog!

    If that other person wants to put out their POV, then they should get their own blog.

    Someone on another blog had the same problem, and that was what her response was.
