Friday, August 18, 2006

Comments and How they Can Throw Me Off

Reading this comment today sidetracked me and made me rethink everything.

Apparently I hit a nerve with my Carousel/Roller Coaster analogy and I can see why I did. It wasn’t my intention to slight anyone and I have been debating deleting that post. And as I write this I’m debating not even posting this.

The commenter explained that she felt that I was presenting myself as a victim or even a martyr in my blog. That has never been my intention. Gut level honestly in my blog during good times and bad is my way of saying that this is a tough thing -- don’t do it if you don’t want to experience the feelings I have, because they will come.

Comments like these always make me rethink blogging in general, and certainly blogging like mine which is a total brain dump. I don’t have an agenda that includes making people feel sorry for me because I don’t feel sorry for me. I am content with my life, I actually am very satisfied with my lot, and I am really disappointed that I have presented myself in such a fashion.

Maybe I should censor myself. Maybe I should present things differently than they are. Maybe I should pretend to be more cheerful when I’m not, or at least take time to remember to blog when things are going well, instead of just venting when things are going poorly. Or maybe I should just apologize, realize the risks I take by having a public journal, and move on.

I’m sorry to anyone who felt I was not giving your journey the respect it is due. it was not my intention nor plan to do so.

Part of the challenge with blogging is that “people are strange when you’re a stranger.” I believe that if the commenter and I knew one another personally we would realize that we agree about many things and that each of is different than the other perceives.

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