Sunday, October 29, 2006

How Many Hand Towels

does it take to dry off a body this big? Only 3, but I didn’t get quite as dry as usual.

I have hardly blogged about laundry since we moved because I have done a much better job of keeping up. The laundry area is right outside my office door and so it makes it easier to remember to change it, especially when I have the beeping alert thing driving me nuts. I am getting it done, but it always doesn’t get put away right away, which is why this morning, I found myself drying off with hand towels.

Things in this house are generally much tidier. WE have people over more often, and the kids are chipping in to work more than before (well, most of them). But we are far from perfect.

I woke up today well rested, only minimal cramps (which kept me doubled over part of yesterday), and a better attitude about things. We’re going to early church today and we’re 25 minutes from departure.

Days like yesterday for me don’t happen very often, but this blog has taught me that they get over quickly. I’m ready to spend today getting my attitude back to positive, a different clothes plan for Tony and Dominyk, some sorting and cleaning before we go to the Fall Event church.

We haven’t seen Mike since Friday morning. When he goes to court, he better pray that the judge doesn’t ask me how things are going at home, because i will let him know exactly how few of our expectations Mike is complying with. Thanks to the blog, I may be able to go back and construct a calendar of which nights he’s even been where he was supposed to be.

I need a good sermon and some music that will boost my faith. I’m glad we’re heading to church!

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