Saturday, October 28, 2006

I've Almost Made It to the End of this Day

It's 10:30 p.m. Salinda, choosing the no overnights for a month instead of the grounded for a week option for her latest unblogged episode, is at an "overnight" that I'm picking her up from at 11:00. We haven't seen Mike since he left for school yesterday morning. I did hear him trying to wake up Salinda by throwing rocks at her window at 4:40 this morning, but she was VERY much asleep and didn't hear him. I however, did, and welcomed him into the house, but he ran away.

At any rate, I'm way beyond tired tonight. As soon as I get home from picking up Salinda, I am taking Tylenol PM and reporting to Bart that I've already dealt with the police twice this week, and that if they call tonight it is his turn. However, knowing that he has to preach in the morning, I already know that if they call, even if I've announced that, I will go.

I'm hoping that we have it the bottom of this valley, and that we're heading to higher ground soon. Thanks to all who have sent kind emails, thoughts, and prayers our way.

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