Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Advice from FAS land

Tonight Mike decided to give me some parenting advice. He thinks that Dominyk should go off all of his medications. He thinks that giving him so many drugs is not helpful to him. He thinks that herbal tea would work.

Dominyk was on 4 meds. The psychiatrist took him down to three. He is finding no success anywhere. Life is very hard for him right now. If I took him off his meds for a month, according to Mike, he would be just fine.

If I took him off his meds for a day he would get expelled from school.

Funny how now that he is 17, even though he probably won't graduate on time, can't keep from breaking the law, and can't get a job, he is certainly the one who should be telling me how to parent his younger siblings.

Herbal tea. Hmmm. Maybe I should buy some.

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