Thursday, November 02, 2006

When the Meds are Off

Whether meds are wrong or right, once you start using them, making sure they are correct is very important. Our new psychiatrist is probably the best we’ve ever had, but she may be too good. I say this because the first time she saw Dominyk I told her that his current medication combination was the best we’d ever had. When she saw his behavior, she was shocked that his behavior was the best we’d ever seen.

And so she decided she could do better. I asked her not to experiment, but she concluded that the huge amounts of ADHD medications he was on were increasing his OCD symptoms so she decided to gradually ween him off of one of the prescriptions he was on. And he has gradually gone downhill ever since.

Now he is to the point where the school can barely educate him, he won’t be directed at home at all, and I am going to have to start taking him out of church activities because he is truly uncontrollable. He is disruptive, defiant, distracting, and disobedient. His behavior is the worst I think I’ve ever seen.

Yesterday I was on the phone trying to work this out and haven’t gotten any where. I’ll try again today. But it isn’t really very fair to give a child something that helps them to function and then to experiment and take it away. I know there is a good reason, and I hope that some new combination works better, but for right now we’re all suffering.

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