Friday, November 24, 2006

Dreams and Reality

The night before last, Kevin Costner was hitting on me. He was a single dad adopting and was certainly, in my dream, the Kevin Costner from Field of Dreams or BodyGuard -- you know, years ago, and not the nearly 52 year old guy he is today. But he was really wanting me bad and even in my dreams I wouldn't let him have me, but it felt great to have such a mesmerizing effect on him and I woke up smiling.

Then last night I had a dream about Heather and Jon Armstrong. Heather is a famous blogger whose blog I read daily. I don’t read very many blogs of people that I don’t know in person, and the ones I do usually have lots in common with me (adoptive parents, mostly) but I enjoy Heather’s sense of humor. Last night in my dream I was in their home and the details of the dream are many, but the bottom line is, after several misunderstandings and embarrassing situations, the conclusion was that she was going to let me blog about my visit to her home and, just maybe, might blog about me, linking me suddently to thousands of readers. Again, I woke up smiling.

But then it was back to reality. I was awakened before 7, but attempted to go back to sleep. I began to obsess about an idea I had that I need to put in writing (why recruiting more families to adopt when homestudy families are not getting matched) and couldn’t go back to sleep. I got up to get it on paper, but haven’t gotten there yet. Tony was making Dominyk scream, the whole kitchen was sticky (Sadie, who tends to be an exaggerating drama queen, told me their had been an explosion, but I assumed it was a small thing. Bart let me know later that an entire two leader of pop had indeed exploded because it had been frozen and exploded everywhere). The shower was hard to turn on and here I was, back in my own version of reality.

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