Friday, November 24, 2006


Dominyk and Tony had a psychiatrist appointment this morning. Dominyk is doing much better, but Tony is just not doing well at all. His behavior is deteriorating at school and at home and the psychiatrist says medication isn’t going to help. Always nice to hear that. It is to the point that nobody can stand to be around him because he insists on being so annoying.

I agreed to let Salinda ask Bart if she could invite a few friends over tonight. He told her yes, but now she is stressing about how filthy the house is and wanting it immediately cleaned. She isn’t going to let anyone come over until we are gone and Tony is no longer in the house.

I’m setting up a gallery of Salinda’s photos on my Flickr page. She really is quite a good photographer and after I mess with the pictures, they could rival some professionals.

We’re heading to the state championship football game tonight. And I didn’t set foot in a single store today and don’t plan to. We can stress about Christmas shopping in December...

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