Sunday, November 12, 2006

Just a few minutes to Blog

Sorry I didn’t blog this morning. It was pretty chaotic here. NOt only am I husbandless right now, but that makes the church pastorless. And, ironically, this is the day that our family was assigned to greet, usher, count, and acolyte. We have to next week as well because confimation students acolyte and their family are assigned to greet and usher.

But we survived. Six of the kids are home with me and Rand and Jimmy are staying to go to a youth leadership council meeting. In a half our Tony and Dominyk’s PCAs will arrive and I will give them the instructions I have typed so that they can deal with the kids for about 54 hours until another family comes to take over on Tuesday night. Then Bart is going to be home Tuesday night.

I will be gone until Thursday. I really love what I do, so the meetings I have on Monday and Tuesday afternoon and the training I do on Wednesday will be really fun. The people will be fun. But I will not have fun on the shuttle, in the Mpls airport, on the plane, in the Dallas airport, or renting the car. I used to think the whole travelling and speaking scene sounded glamorous. For any of you who think it sounds like it is, it is far from glamorous, especially if you work for non-profits and have to ride coach and you weigh a LOT of pounds.

But by the time I get home there may be some more families who have been matched with children, and THAT is what it is all about for me.

And my kids will enjoy a break from me and I from them.

And the nicest thing about leaving is that before I leave I make myself get very organized so that I come home to a clean desk and an organized office and a list of things to do that help me get a jump start. The only issue right now is my swollen inbox that I didn’t have time to take care of before i left. It’s at 207 right now. I don’t know how many will be there when I get back.

I have decided that I’m not going to worry about something bad happening while I am gone. I’m going to plan on it and approach it differently. I am going to be grateful that I can put off dealing with it for a few days and let the chips fall where they may. I’m trying to let go of the things I can’t control.

I’ll either blog from the airport or from the hotel tonight or tomorrow... who knows what will transpire between now and then... And if I have time maybe I’ll remember to tell you about what happened last night.

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