Sunday, November 12, 2006

Scott Kelby is My Idol

I arrived about 30 minutes ago at the MSP airport after having read from cover to cover my Layers magazine. There are so many blog topics cursing through my mind. I created a complete entry in my head about Scott Kelby during my shuttle ride up.. He is one of my idols, but not necessariliy for the reasons one might think. I don't know how interested anyone is in this, but it is a part of who I am. I debated not even doing this, but if you're bored, skip it.

Scott Kelby has nothing to do with anything related to adoption. Instead he is a guru of digital photography, and Photoshop, by far one of the deepest, coolest software programs ever. It has allowed me, a person with very little artistic ability, to create things like this painting, capture a sunset this way, or put together collages like this one.

But the reasons that I admire Scott Kelby is that he has found his niche, is very good at what he does, has a hilarious sense of humor, and in every book he gives thanks and credit to God for all that he does. He is a great example to me of how a Christian can live out his faith without being a blinding, annoying light...

Anyway, I read the magazine and again longed for more time to mess with cool software and make cool stuff, but am content to know that my niche is getting kids home and that hopefully, though I'll never make anywhere near the amount of money Scott does, that some day I will be as good at what I do as he is at what he does if I keep pounding in a narrow wedge and don't let myself get distracted.

So, I look at Scott as a model of how to live. Give it all you've got, do your best at what you're best at, and give God the glory. And if you choose digital photography as your life's niche, you can make money, but if you choose adoption, you can make families. And as those kids who don't have one will tell you, there is nothing worth more than someone who loves you forever.

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