Friday, November 24, 2006

Never Try To Recreate a Situation

I had a friend back in my 20s who used to caution people against attempting to recreate a situation. His theory was that when something was really good, we shouldn’t attempt to make it happen again because it would never measure up.

This was definitely true today when we tried to recreate last week's football championship experience. Tonight, though, things were much different. First of all, Kyle decided to join us, which meant that as soon as we walked in the door everyone followed him. He soon ditched them all, so the first half of the game I had no idea where they were. We also lost, I mean REALLY lost -- it was 27 to 0 only 4 minutes into the game and we lost 70 to 21. It was not a fun game to see.

The only bright spot of the night was that our friend, Kevin, who is a single adoptive parent and an old friend from college days, came to watch the game with me and we enjoyed lots of conversation. However, he is a near daily reader of the blog (hi Kevin) so I had very little to tell him that he didn’t already know. I did catch up on things with him though.

The ride there and the ride home were uneventful but the few hours preceding the trip were not good ones. Everyone was pretty would up and many were being defiant and argumentative, even Kyle. Salinda was all stressed out about having friends over...

Now I’ve come home to Mike leaving three of his friends in our family room with Salinda’s friends... and I need to take them all home.

1 comment:

  1. OH man! Those kind of games are NO FUN!

    My Soph year in HS we went to the playoffs, and we should have known that was going to be a bad week for us when I smashed my finger in one of the heavy doors in the gym. And I played flute in the band, but I had to march in the drum section instead--pretending to play the flute.

    And it was soooo cold that it was miserable to march in, miserable to sit through, and miserable to play in b/c it was also in a bowl-shaped stadium. And we lost so bad, that by the end of the game, the players were fighting, and the boys in the band were chanting "Blood makes the grass grow--fight! fight!" Needless to say they got in trouble for THAT!

    But good things do happen, and 20 years later we won State--3 yrs in a row. The 3rd time we won by a big score--the 4th time we lost by about the same score your team lost by!

    Oh well, there's always next year!
