Thursday, December 07, 2006

Arguments and the Nu-uh Habit

Sadie is one stubborn little thing. Seriously, she gives me a run for my money. And she can’t walk away. I’m getting better at letting it go, but she hangs on to the bitter end.

I wish I would have had had a tape to record our conversation this morning because it really got hilarious. The funniest part was at the end when I told her she needed to get out of the van and go into the school building (her brothers had gotten out 10 minutes earlier, but she lingered to continue our argument). She refused to get out. She said our argument was not yet over.

So, after 20 minutes of nu-uhs, followed by lengthy explanations on her part of why I was so wrong and she was right.

What cracked me up, though, was this conversation:

“you really need to go to school.”

“but we’te not done!”

“well, I think we need to be done.”


“Ok, I’ll stop talking and be done. Our argument is officially over. Goodbye, Sadie, I love you, have a good day.”

“my name’s not Sadie (she is going by Mercedes at school now).”

“OK, Miss Fletcher.”

“My last name is not Fletcher”

yada yada yada blah blah blah on and one we went until finally she got up enough composure to stop her elephant tears and pick up a snotty brat attitude.

I pointed that out and she want to school. But I think her last words, after I said, “I love you. I’m sure you’ll have a good day” were ...

yup, you guessed it...


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