Thursday, December 07, 2006

Living in the Moment

Yesterday Mike came home after school. He’s been here more than usual this week. I would like to attribute it to his desire to do more of what he is supposed to do, but usually things for him aren’t quite that calculated. It probably has to do with either the fact that it’s too cold to walk around outside or that he has burned lots of bridges and used up all the graciousness of every person he has had an opportunity to meet.

Last night he was furious with me at 5:30, but by 5:35 we were in the van heading to church via a couple stops and he was his charming self. Reminding myself to live in the moment, I enjoyed some nice conversation and banter with him. In fact, he shared this joke with me?

“Why do they call PMS PMS?

“Because Mad Cow Disease was already taken".

Lately he has been asking for rides to pick up stuff he has left at other people’s homes. Yesterday he asked me to take him (on the way to church) to pick up a sweatshirt. He tells me basically where the house is and when we get in the general area he knows it is on one of two streets. So he borrows my cell phone and calls the friend. The question he asks, ”Hey, dude, what’s your house number?“

We finally found the house, but had to go to that number on more than one street to find it. I said, ”As hard as it is to parent you, I can’t imagine how hard it must be to be you.“ He knows that he has FASD (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder) and we talk about it sometimes).

”Actually,“ he said, ”It’s not really that hard.“

And I responded, ”Yup, I guess if life is nothing more than this moment, no past, no future, it can be pretty pleasant if you want it to.“

And he just grinned.

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