Sunday, December 24, 2006

Dragging out the Christmas Cheer

This morning I am almost feeling like I might be able to pull find some Christmas cheer deep down inside me. Tony woke up early and he and Bart went to church with Bart. Dominyk was up before I was and took a good, fast shower (something that never happens). Speaking of things that almost never happen, Salinda woke up happy and pretended to be crabby and mean to me and told me to “bring it” so, in a surprise move, I jumped on top of her on her bed and tickled her until she screamed. Mike was up without being told after spending the night in his own bed. Rand has agreed to drive without arguing, so I can leave early enough to get a good seat and a good parking spot with Dominyk, Sadie and Ricardo while the rest of the teenagers come 10 minutes later.

I read Kari's cheery post this morning and I’m thinking maybe I’ll be able to find some Christmas cheer after all. We have a very busy day today -- church at 9, home for a few hours, church at 5, celebrate Salinda’s birthday, then another service at 10:00 p.m. In the middle we have to purchase a cake for Salinda and I am still working on Christmas cards. I may also end up taking the kids to a movie this afternoon just to get them out of the house as the younger ones will be bouncing off the walls while the older ones scream and yell at them for being annoying.

But somehow, in the midst of all of the chaos, I know, based on experience, that it will come to me at one point or another during the next 30 hours. God, having only One Son, chose to send that Son to an imperfect, evil place called earth, to live among us ... not because it would be a better life, but because it would allow God to understand what it meant to be human.

And in the form of a tiny, helpless infant God came to us to be WITH us... not a distant stranger, but One who walks with us not just then but now.

And when again, as it has every year, that thought permeates my busy overactive brain and my hardened over-intellectual heart, it will be as it is every year, like a new message, especially for me. Jesus came at Christmas so that God could walk with ME.... and so that later He could die and so that I might live forever.

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