Saturday, December 23, 2006

Trying to Make Them Happy

It never fails. Whenever I try to make the kids happy, it never works. I could go through every annoying detail of the last 3 hours and explain everything that happened, but the bottom line is this: It is impossible for any of the plans that I orchestrate to ever make anyone happy. There is always a reason why someone is angry that things didn't go the way THEY wanted them to. I always swear that next time I won't even try.

But then, i do, and it doesn't work. In fact, it completely backfires. And I learn my lesson for a brief period of time, until I try again.

And my final thought of the day that I've said for the last several weeks: If God said, "You will adopt again. You will either adopt 10 sons or one daughter" I'd pick the ten boys and raise them from infancy to adulthood before I'd parent one more teenage girl.

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