Saturday, December 02, 2006

Ending a Full Day

The conference ended and I came home, quickly changed clothes and then went to Kohl's and Shopko to buy Jimmy's birthday presents. Came home and all 10 of us plus two of Salinda's friends had homemade pizza and cake and Jimmhy opened his presents and then I did most of the dishes. I made a couple phone calls and then joined the kids and Bart in the living room where he had made a fire for the kids and was serving hot cider and homemade popcorn. I took one of Salinda's friends home and then came up here to go to bed.

But Bart washed our sheets today and I can't make myself make the bed, so... I'm sitting here with the laptop in my lap, wishing I wasn't too tired to clean off and make the bed.

Tomorrow we have another full day... and then it is just a week before we head to NYC. I always plan these events and am all excited about them until they get close and I have to start organizing everything for our departure... and then I wish I would never have planned in the first place. But I get over that stage and then by the time I leave, I'm excited again and end up having a great time.

But for now, I'm just tired.

Nobody finished my Lawrence Welk song the other night.... Does anyone know where this song came from?

May tomorrow be a perfect day
may you find love and laughter along the way
may God keep you in his tender care
til He brings us together again.

Goodnight everybody...

1 comment:

  1. OH yes yes! That's my favorite song they sang on the Donny and Marie shows! And they still do sing it sometimes when they are all together! I love that song so much!

    And I was so in love with Donny, too! And I still keep up with their family.
