Sunday, December 03, 2006

No, I haven't Blogged yet today!

This morning was crazy -- had to make two trips because Rand is boycotting helping us out as third driver. He’ll change his mind eventually because I took his keys.

Today we have an Advent Gathering at church from 12-2 so we are home for 30 minutes changing clothes.

Church was good -- everyone was cooperative and well behaved (once we got there). Lots of people were in church as well... which is always good to see.

Question of the day: Is a blog entry that is not worth reading better or worse than not blogging at all?


  1. Anonymous12:32 PM

    If you don't blog then I worry, so you gotta blog something or I'll call you....

  2. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Definatly the previous.

    I am obsessive about checking on you and Cindy. Somehow I am like ya'lls children, needing the reassurance and knowledge that you are still there, parenting these kids, experiencing the things that I might be experiencing *someday*.

    :) Amie

  3. I vote with Cindy and Amie. I check in on you several times a day-always wondering what you're up to and when you don't blog for awhile I wonder if all is OK!!!
