Monday, December 11, 2006

Not Quite Ready But Almost

Well, almost all the details are taken care of. In 20 minutes I’ll wake the children up and make a concentrated effort to make sure that their last memories of me as they leave this morning are good ones, but considering the emotional climate in our home with transition brewing in the air it may not be possible. I have gotten everything in my office fairly well situated and ready for the trip. I still need to pack myself and one of the kids and take care of a few small things, but as always, it looks like when the plane takes off we’ll be on it ready to go.

I have to take a couple minutes to blog about the people who are helping with our kids this week. I jokingly have said to a few of my friends that God has put me on this earth to give people who have a servant’s heart someone to serve. Now really, if EVERYONE had that “i love to serve people” attitude, there would be nobody out there to serve. It’s a theory anyway. :-)

One of the things that makes Bart and I unique as speakers in the adoption realm is that we are currently parenting tough kids on a large scale. Because of this, we have a perspective that is very different from that of someone who “used to have a house full of kids” or someone who has studied them, counseled them, or worked with them. But, the only way that we can go anywhere and share our knowledge with others is if we are surrounded by wonderful people who are willing to participate in our “ministry” by taking care of our children.

Because of about 10 people who are chipping in to help this week, we will be able to go to NYC and touch a lot of lives. Their willingness to help us, even when it is inconvenient to them, is the only way we can do so.

Most of our trips do not include much “vacation time.” In addition to speaking on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings, it is my plan to work from our hosts home during the day. I will work from airports and on airplanes as well. I will attempt to get in as many hours as I can because this week I will be paid by the hour and it isn’t a good time of year to have a deduction in pay. But on Friday we will be having a blast seeing sights, eating good food, going to a Broadway play, so there will be some fun to be had.

I’m not getting far and am beginning to ramble, but I wanted to say this: Thanks to all of you who are making it possible for us to take this trip. Every adoptive parent who is helped by anything we have to say or any staff member that is trained in such a way as to make them more effective in working with children and families will happen because of you.

And because you who help us care about children, not just ours, but the ones who have no families you can know that your contribution will make a difference for those kids. And hope that this fact makes your efforts seem more worthwhile.

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