Sunday, December 10, 2006

Those Last Few Hours

The last day before we leave I always wish I would have never planned the trip. Just so much to do... so many last minute things.

Today we did church and sunday school and then I came home and actually helped with some dinner preparations. Between trying to get instructions typed up for all of the people that we need to cover for us when we're gone, I helped Bart make dinner. Last bite was swallowed and I was off to take Mike to work and then head off to shop for Ricardo's birthday and do some Christmas shopping with my new friend, Sue, whose schedule is flexible enough most times to fit around my wild one. We were gone two hours and then I rushed home to finish the instructions, have Dominyk and Tony's PCAs stop by to get the instructions. By 5:45 we were heading to drop of the youngest 4 kids and meet friends for dinner, which was ever so fun. We went to a nice Italian restaurant with great atmosphere, wonderful food, but annoyingly poor service. We ended up being there a very long time but it was very fun. We left there to come back to reality where we had cake with Ricardo and he opened his presents. I then left to drop instructions off for Kari and then show Rand where Sue's house is (they are feeding and caring for 3 boys two different evenings this week. I then took Rand to Mike's work place to pick him up and show Rand where he was. Came home to finish a project and do last minute work related things.

Now I'm up in my bedroom but it is 10:30 and I just can't make myself pack myself or Tony tonight, so I'm checking in with all of you and then heading off to bed.

I always regret planning anything out of the ordinary, but I know that this week will help us come back refreshed and ready to parent again.

Hopefully I"ll remember to post some really cute pictures of Ricardo when I get back. He's a great kid.

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