Saturday, December 23, 2006

A Variety of Thoughts, Feelings, and General Dumping of Emotion

I don’t know that you would call me a scrooge, but Christmas is difficult here. From the day school gets out until the day after Christmas we seem to have unending moodiness and bickering. The amazing selfishness of some of our children becomes ever so more apparent during this time and those who do not deal well with unstructured time go bonkers when you add the anxiety and excitement.

As parents we endure and try to be as pleasant as we can.

Today I spent a good portion of my day in the van taking people where they needed to go to get shopping done. It was a long tiring day. Tonight we’re hoping to have a PG movie on Downstairs and a PG-13 on upstairs (there will be those who complain because they don’t want to watch either one) and hopefully we can make it through the evening.

I enjoy the irony of our relationship sometimes. Bart found a good deal on a Wok today, so he bought it and I went out to buy the kind of screwdriver we needed so I could assemble it for him. Now he’s making stir fry for supper.

For some reason I am missing John more now that he is at McCrossan. Maybe it is because we had some very good times with him there, or because I can picture him there easier, or maybe it is just because he is so far away. I suppose it could be because it’s Christmas and he won’t be with us.

The emotional exhaustion of trying to remain positive and boost the moods of those less happy is taking it’s toll and at 6:45 I’m longing for bedtime.

But I’m sure I’ll get my second wind. maybe.

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