Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Court Papers

On October 26th Mike got arrested for shoplifting. His court hearing is on January 10th. We got the paperwork today.

How incredibly annoying. He has FASD. He barely remembers what he did this morning. How is going to court on January 10th going to help him learn not to do again what he did on October 26th?

And they are not combining that offense with the November 6th grand theft auto incident so he will have to go to court again for that. I am so hoping that he is assigned the same Probation Officer that John has because I like her. Sick as it sounds, I enjoy the woman and have fun when I visit with her. So I hope MIke gets her. OK, so I’m a little starved for meaningful adult relationships, huh?

Anyway, on January 10th we get to sit in court with Mike while he lives through another hearing where he really isn’t quite sure what happened, how it happened, why it happened, or if it will happen again. He truly doesn’t know.

Lately, to his credit, I think he has at least been trying to do the right thing, but FASD is real, folks. I wish people who didn’t think it was could spend a day with Mike.

Here’s a quick example. The other night he came into our bedroom. He unhooked the DVD player from our bedroom without permission while I was sitting there. I asked him what he was doing. He asked if he could borrow it. I said no. I went back to what I was doing. WIthin minutes he was gone. I was relieved to see that the DVD player was still there.

But the cords were missing.

A couple days later I asked him about them. He said, “I dunno. They might be in my room. I didn’t mean to take them if I did” and walked out of my office. I thought he was going to look for them. He never did. The next day I asked about them again. He said, “I think they are in my room.” I replied, “Do you think you could go GET them?” He returned with them and put them in my hand. I said thank you and dropped it.

Why ask why?

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