Thursday, January 04, 2007

The Morning Routine

I get up 45 minutes before I wake up the younger children. I shower first, and then comes Rand and then Mike. THen everyone else is awakened and we begin the 30-40 minute get everyone off to school routine.

During my half hour between my shower and when everyone else wakes up, I read the blogs I HAVE to read, and then I write something here. I wish I was disciplined enough to make myself write something either meaningful or clever or at least something that has a point every time, but often I just ramble, most likely annoying y’all.

This morning will be none of the above -- neither meaningful nor clever nor have a point. I will be home all day, processing email and attempting to match children with families, but not with the same enthusiasm as sometimes. Lately a couple of situations where families I am working with have had something happen to them has made me so frustrated with the system...

I was telling someone this week that sometimes, in order to work within the system, I simply have to metaphorically cover my ears and sing “La, la, la, la, la, la, la” loudly and plunge forward. Today I’m finding it hard to do so.

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