Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Four Hours on the Road

I returned from my viist with a delightful and very interesting person who I cannot share about because of confidentiality, but it was worth the trip. It is my hope that this will someday turn into an adoptive family.

I now fifty minutes until it is time to head to Wednesday night activities at church. The three youngest children (and the 3 noisiest) are gone as is Salinda (who is a quiet person but likes to listen to her music loudly) so the house is silent. My in box, down to less than 30 this morning, is at 100 again after all my diligence yesterday. I will spend the next 45 minutes attempting to deal with some of them, though there are several there that require 5-10 minutes a piece to handle.

All of the kids need therapy before they see John again to process the fact that he is not coming to live here again. Until they have the therapy he cannot visit with them. I did intakes on all 5 of them this morning and now I have to fill out 20 pages of paperwork for each of them.

I am feeling a little tired right now and thinking about that makes me tireder (and yes, for people with a life like mine, that's a word).

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