Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Packing Again

Once again I am heading down to the basement to pack Mike's clothes. Even though he protested, he will be spending the next 10 day to two weeks in a facility near here while awaiting CD treatment. He did an excellent job of proving to the assessor that he needed CD treatment badly. I can't imagine that he was using/drinking as much as he reported.

Of course other things in the assessment where not accurate either. I am emotionally and physcially abusive, it is important to Mike to be a good father to his children, he has 7 brothers and 7 sisters, and he can't function in our home because we ourselves are substance abusers.

We confronted him after court about some of it and he declares that he was talking about his birthmom and that he said that and that he doesn' have any children. We let the rest go.

He is requesting sensitive teeth toothpaste on his list of wishes, but I have to leave town and don't have time to go to the store. I am going down now to pack his clothes.

As always, things aren't working out quite like Mike planned, but this time they aren't blaming us. The place he wanted to go for treatment isn't an option, so he's going someplace where he knows no one. He is staying in what he reports is the worst place he's ever been (he's a connoisseur of detention/residential treatment facilities). And the judge had enough foresight to order that restitution include the ankle bracelet that he PERSONALLY pay for if charges are filed.

Mike has no ability to look down the road and see how all this is going to pan out for him. Unfortunatley, we do, and we do not share the hope that he does that 30 days of Chemical Dependency Treatment is going to solve all of his problems. But by the time he is done, he will no longer be a juvenile and we will no longer be legally responsible for him.

You parents of 18+ year olds out there, do I want to know if that makes it better or worse?

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