Wednesday, February 28, 2007

So Excited to Work that I Can't Sleep

At 6:30 a.m. I was awake and couldn't go back to sleep. I am going to be able to sit and do nothing but work for four uninterrupted hours and that is a real treat for me. Even when I am working at home and the kids are at school, I am still interrupted by the phone multiple times and I get up to change the laundry.

So I'm starting off my day enthusiastic and well rested and ready to make some matches and find homes for kids. Because everyone needs someone to commit to them forever.


  1. I was wondering. If a person knew of a child that they would really like to see adopted but could not adopt themselves, how would they get someone like you to help them find a home for the child?

    Sorry if this question would be better suited for an email but I thought other people might want to know this too.


    Amie :)

  2. I love your optimism today, Good luck! I bragged about you on my blog the other day! You are a wonderful mom and I look to you for your honesty and your humor. Thanks for sharing!

  3. A person can have the child's worker register the child with us by sending me an email....
