Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Things to Ponder

Why would my blog be considered Spam and me not be able to post for a whole day?

Why can some trips be completely horrid and others be glitch-free? Why can't you just have one bad thing happen on each trip?

Should it make me nervous to have a Somalian taxi drivers in the midst of a blizzard? Where did they get their experience?

Did you know that no matter how many times you put your magnetic key into door number 326, it won't open if it's the key to room 325?

Why can't all airline seatbelts be the same length so that you don't have a adreneline rush thinking you've lost 50 pounds in 4 days when you don't have to ask for an extention?

What does it mean if you can't get in or out of the van taxi without crawling on your knees?

What are the odds of being in seat 39D AND being surrounded by a bunch of guys returning from a truckers convention who are seeing how many beers they can drink on the flight?

Why is it that when you're with your family you feel lik eyou need a break, but when you're away you miss them like crazy?

1 comment:

  1. Claudia, sometimes you give me the best laugh of the day!!!!!
