Sunday, March 18, 2007

Blogging Slacker

The half-conference I went to yesterday was great. The session that I attended was so insightful that I intend to blog about it (if when I have time!) My sessinon that I presented, was, in my opinion, a little above mediocre, but nothing as good as I've done sometimes. I think pepole got something out of it, sure hope they did.

When I got home, my husband had orchestrated a St. Patrick's Day Feast, complete with Corn Beef and Asparagus, Irish Brown Bread (homemade) carrots, new potatoes... it was lovely. We had both Kari and her family and these friends over at the same time and it was great fun. We played games and laughed and they got me oh so wound up.

Today will be a full day again. Church, Sunday School, and the two youngest boys have a bell concert this afternoon. There is no school tomorrow, so we have shoe shopping on the schedule (not fun).

I also have to have a lovely conversation with one of my children about choices the past few days that will not be enjoyable.

And at somepoint I really do need to do some serious blogging.

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