Saturday, March 31, 2007

Nobody Loves Me, Everybody Hates Me, Think I Must be a Parent

Well, the number of kids loving me today is dwindling by the second. Rand is furious because I warned him that he needed to work all the hours he could every week if he didn't want to lose driving priveleges and his cell phone. He owes us money for cell phone and insurance and apparently he doesn't sense the need for money because he still can drive and has his phone. So today I took away the phone and his driving privileges. He's banging around like he does, huffing and puffing and muttering under his breath.

Even though I told Salinda she was grounded for her "not that big of a deal" lie last night, she still asked me to do something and did her rendition of a fit -- heavy sighs, glaring, and accussing me of breaking my promises.

Tony wanted to be signed in to the computer but after doing several little annoying defiant things, I told him he would have to wait. His version of a meltdown? THrowing papers all over my office and screaming and pounding his fist on my desk with the phone.

Mike of course, is not happy because i'm not calling, but at least I don't have to hear it because he asked me not to call. I know, it doesn't really make sense that he's unhappy that I didn't call when he told me not too, but it usually doesn't make sense.

And I even have one on deck. Ricardo lied to me yesterday and he will be unhappy with me next as his friend will be leaving soon and I will be talling him the consequences for his actions that are heading his way.

I tried to call John though, because he's not mad at me. I figured making a connection with a child who loves me, even if he isn't living here, might be a positive note, but he left for a while on a "snack run" so I can't talk to him right now. However, he is in the Sioux Falls paper today in a neat article with a picture and a quote from him. You can check that out at on this page.

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