Saturday, March 31, 2007

Top Five Success Secrets

My Top Five Success Secrets

Motivated by a challenge from Today is That Day I thought I would join the challenge and discover what I do every day that helps me be successful.

1. I remind myself that I love what I do.. The mission of the organizations I work with matches my life’s mission, and so there is no job I would rather do. Even when the specifics are annoying and the task seems overwhelming, I remind myself that I was made for this work and that I love it.

2. I blog. Blogging has been a way for me to process my thoughts and emotions for two years now. I started my first blog 2 years ago today and have never regretted it. Previously I had never been able to keep a decent journal, but I attribute the fact that I have survived two very difficult years to the fact that I began to blog daily.

3. I end my day with a processing, praying, and reconciling time with my husband. He is an excellent listener and offers insight from a different perspective than I. Every night we discuss our day, pray together, and make sure there is nothing between us. We’ve been married almost 11 years and have never gone to sleep angry with one another. We used to stay up VERY late some nights, but we have yet to go to sleep mad.

4. I don’t get caught up in things that detract from my mission. I work with a lot of women, and if I wanted too, I could get caught up in their daily drama. I also work in a very imperfect child welfare system that has millions of flaws. But I force myself to live above them – sometimes even visualizing myself skimming across the top of all the conflict in order to keep my eye on the goal.

5. I have contact with a friend who “gets it”. Because our lives are unusual, there aren’t a lot of people who either understand what we’re doing or who are willing to take the time to do so. Every day I make sure I connect with an adult that is not my spouse and talk about my life as well as listening to theirs. It keeps me going.

I encourage you to write a post about your top five or ten success secrets and link back to me and to the origination of this writing project. We can learn so much from each other.

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