Sunday, July 22, 2007

A Strange Sense of Purpose

Sometimes life just all comes together and makes sense and you get that "soul deep sense of being at home in the world despite it's dangers". (a quote I memorized long ago from Parker Palmer). This morning was one of those times for me.

I had said goodbye to Tony and Bart got him off to boy scouts. It's great to know he is going to be with quality people doing something that will build character. And I have to confess that it feels good not to have to worry about him for a few weeks.

I was sitting in church this morning next to Kim and our "grandkids". I was also with three of my kids who were being especially well behaved. Salinda has had the best week in months, so it was fun to see her there, feeling part of things and somewhat happy.

Behind me were seated two friends of ours who I helped match with a couple of girls who will be moving here in about a month. A lot of satisfaction is involved in this istuation and having been a part of it as their new kdis are 16 and 10 and I know they are going to a great home.

My incredible husband, who is an excellent preacher, was speaking. The church was full of great people, including the Kari's who visited our church for the first time today. Mike Benson was there filming Bart and it was great being part of his project

Kyle has been home this weekend and it's been fun to have him here.

Everything seemed to fall together and it just seemed right. Like I was doing what I was supposed to do with my life, that I married the best guy fo rme, that my kids are supposed to be mine, and that God was pleased.

And what more coudl I ask for?


  1. Claudia,
    How strange that I'm having that same feeling today. God is good. ~Kari

  2. Of course you're having the same feeling.

    You worshipped at our church this morning.


  3. And I posted about missing my church! I am jealous of both you and Kari right now. And after reading Bart's amazing blogs, I do believe I will have to visit your church to hear him preach!
