Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The Chaotic Nature of The Not Yet Developed Teen Brain or "Where Should We Do Nothing Today?

I like to plan. I like to know what is happening from day to day, hour to hour, and preferably minute to minute. That's my nature. It's one of my personality characteristics that I can't simply erradicate by willing it away.

I also do not want any of my children to feel as though they don't get to do what they want to do because of our family size, so I always try to accommodate each child as much as possible. I know there are other families who do things differently and limit the activities of each child and just not doing a lot of extra running. So far, in our family with the way things are, it is manageable and I have been able to give everyone what they have asked for.

My biggest challenge though, is the lack of planning that anyone between the ages of 12 and 18 seems to be able to do. Not only my children, but their friends as well, don't seem to have a clue what they are doing in a half hour, much less a few days from now. Maybe it's my kids and their special needs, or maybe it is the kind of friends they choose to hang out with, but there are never plans.

We have a rule that no friends can be here unless there is an adult present. So, Salinda has a friend here and I have the need (not the desire) to go to an even greater clearance event at JCPenney. But do you think they can decide what they are doing any time soon? No, it's such a difficult life dilemma. Do they stay here and do nothing? Or do they go to her house and do nothing? Or maybe they could ride around with a friend and do nothing? Or they could go to another friends house and do nothing. But deciding where they will do nothing is SO stressful.

OK, so I'm complaining. But I know, it could be worse. It could be last week when we were calling the cops. At least she's doing nothing instead of doing something illegal...

P.S. I love Kari. She just said Tony can hang out with her son at their house this afternoon. MMMMMWaaaah!

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