Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I Could Blog Many Things

TOnight, before heading to bed, I could choose to blog about many things. I could blog about High School 9th Grade Orientation and the heated words my daughter spoke when i expressed frustration that she wanted to ride there with a friend instead of me. I could talk about her being shocked that I wouldn't loan her money (when she owes me some from two days ago) or I could talk about how quickly she recovered from all that.

I could talk about a "confirmed Mike sighting" back in Mankato tonight -- in fact, friends saw him at the same building I was in, attending a meeting.

I could talk about Bart's trip with Jimmy and Sadie and Dominyk to visit John in South Dakota but he already has.

Or I could talk about how I hate going to bed before all the kids are home, or how quiet it is here tonight, or how I miss my husband and how weird it is to sleep alone.

Or I could blog further frustrations with the system I am working in.

Or, i could just forget about all of it and all and go to bed.

I think I'm selecting the last option....

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