Monday, August 13, 2007

Do I Have "I'm Stupid! If You are In Trouble Please Defy Me More So I'll lighten your consequences" Written on my Forehead?

I am amazed at the defiance today...and the stupidity in which everyone is attempting to manuever around their consequences. Serious things have happened today --I mean, not serious to the point of anyone getting anyone pregnant or hospitaliztion or the ER, thought Dominyk came close when he sliced his toe this morning -- but serious things like stealing money from us, hurting people, sneaking the phone when the privilege was taken away, threatening to kill me (but not a serious threat) etc.

And yet their chosen way to deal with this is to defy me further, be rude and insulting, and ignore my instructions.

I'm having quite a difficult time understanding their modus operandi.....

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